Thalapathy Vijay's arrival in Kerala ignited a frenzy among fans as the actor was spotted at the airport. Sporting a clean-shaven look that almost rendered him unrecognisable, Vijay donned a casual shirt and denim attire, accompanied by tight security. As soon as he touched down, eager fans swarmed around his car, anxious to catch a glimpse of the beloved actor, showcasing the excitement and adoration he commands. Kamal Haasan Follows Thalapathy Vijay in Opposing Centre's CAA Notification, Actor Pushes Statement Through Makkal Needhi Maiam.
Thalapthy VijayArrives In Kerala
Vijay lands at his second home. ❤️
— Forum Reelz (@ForumReelz) March 18, 2024
Thalapathy Vijay and Kerala Crowd
— AB George (@AbGeorge_) March 18, 2024
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