Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan took to social media and dropped a goofy picture of himself 'magnifying' first day of his work with superstar Rajinikanth after 33 years. For the unaware, Big B and Rajini sir will be seen together in Thalaivar 170. Earlier in the day, even the Jailer actor had shared a picture of himself with his 'mentor' Big B, from the film's sets. Sweet! Thalaivar 170: Rajinikanth's 'Heart Is Thumping With Joy' As He Teams Up With 'Mentor' Amitabh Bachchan Again After 33 Years for TJ Gnanavel’s Film (See Pic).
Thalaivar 170 Kickstarts:
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Rajinikanth With Big B:
After 33 years, I am working again with my mentor, the phenomenon, Shri Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming Lyca’s "Thalaivar 170" directed by T.J Gnanavel. My heart is thumping with joy!@SrBachchan @LycaProductions @tjgnan#Thalaivar170
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 25, 2023
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