Telugu director Krish Jagarlamudi tied the knot to Dr Priti Challa on Monday (November 11) in Hyderabad. The couple exchanged their forever vows in a private ceremony that was attended only by their close family members and friends. Dr Priti Challa is a gynaecologist and fertility specialist. The couple shared glimpses from their special day on their Instagram. The post was captioned, "Today, we celebrate a beautiful new chapter in the life of Dr. Priti Challa. As she steps into this journey of love and companionship, we wish her endless joy, laughter, and togetherness. May this union bring her as much happiness as she brings to the lives of her patients every day."  ‘Ghaati’: Anushka Shetty’s Bloodied and Cigar-Smoking Look Unveiled on Her Birthday; Check Out the Gripping New Poster From Krish Jagarlamudi’s Film.

Krish Jagarlamudi Gets Married to Dr Priti Challa


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