Tamil producer G Dilli Babu passed away on Monday, September 9, in Chennai. The filmmaker's sudden death has shocked the entire industry. Dilli Babu was just 50 at the time of his demise. He had reportedly been admitted to a hospital in Chennai due to an illness and had been receiving treatment for several months. However, exact details regarding his passing are yet to be confirmed. According to a report in India Today, Dilli Babu's body will be brought to his home in Perungalathur in Chennai to pay homage. The funeral will take place at 4:30 PM today. Making his production debut in 2015 with Urumeen, Dilli Babu went on to produce several hits, including RatsasanIruvukku Aayiram KangalMaragadha Naanayam and Oh My Kaduvale, among others. ‘Raayan’ OTT Release: Dhanush’s Action-Drama Film to Premiere on Prime Video on August 23 With Multi-Language Dubs.

Tamil Producer G Dilli Babu No More

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