Simran Rishi Bagga took to Instagram to share the heartbreaking news of the passing of her beloved "papaji," Bharat Ravishanker Naval. The Gulmohar actress revealed that he passed away on November 26, though she did not disclose the cause. She also informed her followers that a prayer meet (Chautha) for her father will be held today, November 29, in Versova, Mumbai. "Love you papa, missing you," she poignantly captioned the post. Known for her roles in films like Petta (2019), Rocketry: The Nambi Effect (2022), and Gulmohar (2023), Simran has made a notable mark in Indian cinema. Simran Rishi Bagga Talks About Self-Respect, ‘Gulmohar’ Actress Demands Sincere Apologies From Industry for Spreading False Rumours.

Simran Rishi Bagga's Father No More

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