Actor Siddharth, who was in Bengaluru to promote his latest film Chithha, walked out of a press conference at SRV Theatre on September 28th after members of a pro-Kannada organization walked in and disrupted the event over the Cauvery water dispute. Currently, Bangalore is facing some issues with Tamil Nadu regarding Cauvery water distribution. After Prakash Raj, Shiva Rajkumar apologized to Siddharth for the chaos. Now, a video is going viral in which Shiva Rajkumar can be seen apologizing to Siddharth in Kannada. This can be loosely translated into English as, "Today, on behalf of my industry, I would like to say very sorry to Mr Siddharth. Kannada people are good people, they love all films and all languages. It's only the people of Karnataka who watch all kinds of films." Siddharth's Chiththa Press Conference Gets Interrupted by Cauvery Water Dispute Protestors, Actor Forced to Leave Venue (Watch Video).

What is Cauvery Water Dispute?

The Cauvery conflict between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka resurfaces whenever there is a shortfall in the Southwest Monsoon in the region. Just recently, Tamil Nadu took a case in Supreme Court and asked Karnataka to release 24,000 cubic feet per second (cusecs) of Cauvery water daily to support their standing crops. In response, Karnataka released 10,000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu for a 15-day period.

Check Out The Shiva Rajkumar's Video Here:

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