There were reports doing rounds that Telugu actor Sharwanand has been injured in a car accident after his four-wheeler overturned near Hyderabad’s Film Nagar junction. The incident reportedly took place in the wee hours today. The Maha Samudram actor took to Twitter and cleared the air about the incident and shared update about his health condition. Sharwanand tweeted, “There has been news that my car met with an accident this morning. It was a very minor incident. I am absolutely safe and sound at Home with all your love and blessings. There is nothing to worry about.” Vaibhavi Upadhyaya Dies in Car Accident.
Sharwanand About The Car Accident
There has been news that my car met with an accident this morning. It was a very minor incident.
I am absolutely safe and sound at Home with all your love and blessings. There is nothing to worry about. Thank you all for your concern.
Have a great Sunday everyone.
— Sharwanand (@ImSharwanand) May 28, 2023
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