Sarkaru Vaari Paata or SVP, starring Mahesh Babu and Keerthy Suresh in the lead, has finally hit the big screens today. Fans were eagerly waiting for the release of this Parasuram Petla directorial and the long wait has come to an end. Many have managed to watch the early shows and have even shared their reviews about the film on Twitter. Netizens have not just lauded the action, romance or music, but even labelled SVP as a mass entertainer. Take a look at some of the reviews shared by Twitterati below. Sarkaru Vaari Paata Movie Review: Mahesh Babu-Keerthy Suresh’s Film Is a Tiring Watch That Refuses To Default on the Formula.

Praises For SSMB

Mass Entertainer

Mahesh Babu The Best

All Hails For SVP

Perfect Entertainer


Mass Film

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