Allu Arjun's latest release, Pushpa 2: The Rule, might be doing incredibly well at the box office; however, the Telugu actor was heavily criticised after the Telugu superstar graced a special screening of his film in Hyderabad. A 35-year-old woman named Revathi lost her life due to asphyxiation as fans thronged inside the theatres to catch a glimpse of the actor. A case was later filed against the Pushpa 2 star and others involved in the stampede. Amid this, Allu Arjun has approached the High Court to dismiss a case registered against him by the Hyderabad Police in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede death. The unfortunate incident took place on December 4. ‘Pushpa 2’ Success Meet: Allu Arjun Expresses Grief Over Revathi’s Death at Sandhya Theatre, Vows To Personally Meet Victim’s Family.
Allu Arjun Moves Telangana HC Over Stampede Case
BREAKING: Allu Arjun approaches court to DISMISS the case registered against him in Sandhya theatre stampede.⚖️👮🏻🚔
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 11, 2024
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