The Telangana High Court on Friday (December 13) granted interim bail of four weeks to Telugu superstar Allu Arjun in connection with the stampede outside the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad on December 4, causing the death of a 35-year-old woman. The sensational arrest of Allu Arjun drew mixed reactions from fans who believed that he had no connection with the tragic incident. Now, Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule Rashmika Mandanna has expressed her shock over the whole matter on her social media handle. She wrote, "I can't believe what I am seeing right now. The incident that happened was unfortunate and deeply saddening. However, it is disheartening to see everything being blamed on a single individual. This situation is both unbelievable and heartbreaking." Allu Arjun Granted Interim Bail by Telangana Hight Court in ‘Pushpa 2’ Premiere Stampede and Death Case.
Rashmika Mandanna on ‘Pushpa 2’ Co-Star Allu Arjun’s Arrest
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