Love is certainly in the air. Recently, South cinema actress and 'Bigg Boss Tamil 4' star Ramya Pandian delighted her fans by sharing some serene and beautiful wedding pictures, capturing the essence of her special day. Ramya tied the knot with Lovel Dhawan, a life coach and yoga instructor, on November 8. She had previously announced her engagement and impending marriage to Lovel on October 28, much to the joy of her followers. Now, having exchanged vows in a private ceremony surrounded by close family and friends, Ramya shared a couple of stunning pictures with a heartfelt caption: "Tied our souls by the Ganges, where our journey began. Forever blessed." A truly magical beginning to their lifelong journey together. Congratulations to the couple. Ramya Pandian Wedding: Keerthi Pandian’s Cousin and ‘Bigg Boss Tamil 4’ Star To Marry Yoga Instructor Lovel Dhawan on November 8 – Reports.

Ramya Pandian Weds Lovel Dhawan in an Intimate Affair, Shares Pictures From Her Special Day

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