Priyanka Chopra was questioned about working with Ram Charan in his 2013 Hindi feature debut, Zanjeer, during an interview with Vanity Fair during which she underwent a lie detector test. The question of whether Priyanka had watched RRR was then posed to her, and Priyanka responded, "No." PeeCee responded that she simply didn't have the time when asked why not. She continued by saying that while she doesn't watch many films, she does watch a lot of television. This is strange since Priyanka had attended RRR's screening in Los Angeles and its party to celebrate the success of SS Rajamouli's film in the West. Priyanka Chopra Tries to Correct Dax Shepard Who Calls RRR a ‘Bollywood’ Film and She Gets It Wrong Herself!.
Check Out Priyanka's Video Below (RRR Portion Starts From 11.31 Time-stamp):
Here's What She Tweeted About RRR in January After Attending Its LA Screening:
Least I can do to contribute to this incredible Indian film’s journey. Good luck and congratulations @RRRMovie, @ssrajamouli garu, @mmkeeravaani garu, @AlwaysRamCharan, @tarak9999, @aliaa08, @ajaydevgn, Prem Rakshith, Kaala Bhairava, Chandrabose, @Rahulsipligunj #RRRMovie
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) January 18, 2023
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