Priya Bhavani Shankar has slammed a media portal for carrying statement that was never quoted by her. The Meyaadha Maan actress shared a post on Twitter in which she mentioned how even ‘reputable forums doesn’t care about any credibility but simply add spice to it and carry it forward’. The actress has reacted to the post shared by a news portal that alleged Priya stated in an interview that she moved to the film industry to mint more money and it is something what the television industry couldn’t offer. After Slamming Malaika Arora’s Pregnancy Rumours, Arjun Kapoor Shares a Cryptic Post About ‘Karma’.
Priya Bhavani Shankar’s Post
— Priya BhavaniShankar (@priya_Bshankar) January 19, 2023
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