Game Changer, the political action thriller starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, hit theatres on January 10 and has been enjoying a successful run at the box office. However, the film has become a victim of piracy, with a pirated HD copy of the movie being aired on local TV. This act of piracy has been strongly condemned by producer Sreenivasa Kumar, also known as SKN. Expressing his frustration, SKN shared a post calling out the broadcast of the stolen print on local cable channels and buses, labelling it as ‘unacceptable’. He has urged for ‘strict action’ to be taken against such illegal activities, stating, “It’s time for respected governments to step up and take strict action to put an end to this. Let’s all unite and stand firm to protect and ensure a better future for cinema.” ‘Not Satisfied’: ‘Game Changer’ Director S Shankar Reveals Ram Charan’s Telugu Film Was Originally 5 Hours Long, Blames Time Constraints for Box Office Performance (Watch Video).
Producer SKN Over ‘Game Changer’ Pirated HD Copy Leak
This is unacceptable. A film that was released just 4-5 days ago being telecasted on local cable channels & Buses raises serious concerns. Cinema is not just about the Hero, director or producers – it’s the result of 3-4 years of hard work, dedication and the dreams of thousands…
— SKN (Sreenivasa Kumar) (@SKNonline) January 15, 2025
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