Filmmaker Payal Kapadia has garnered widespread acclaim, receiving the Best Director Award from the National Society of Film Critics for All We Imagine As Light, starring Divya Prabha. The film, which also features Kani Kusruti, Chhaya Kadam and Hridhu Haroon, explores the complexities of urban life in Mumbai. In the story, Nurse Prabha’s life is disrupted by an unexpected gift from her estranged husband, while her younger roommate, Anu, faces struggles in finding privacy with her boyfriend. The NSFC, which comprises over 60 critics, also honoured films like Nickel Boys, which won the Best Picture award, with Anora and All We Imagine Is Light as runner-ups. ‘All We Imagine As Light’ Ending Explained: Demystifying the Surreal Finale of Payal Kapadia’s Grand-Prix Winning Film (SPOILER ALERT).

Payal Kapadia's 'All We Imagine As Light' Wins Big at NSFC

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