Actor Nedumudi Venu's demise has left the world of Malayalam Cinema absolutely shocked. The three-time National Film Award-winning actor has acted in more than 500 films. Be it any role, he has aced it with sheer brilliance. NS Madhavan, known for writing novel and short stories, has paid tribute to the legend by sharing a very young picture of the late actor. The 73-year-old writer has also shared some fond memories with Nedumudi Venu. Madhavan mentioned in his post, “A man with not an atom of malice in him. Great actor. Adieu.”
NS Madhavan Pays Tribute To Nedumudi Venu
Immensely sad day. Knew #NedumudiVenu when he was this 👇🏿 young. He and Fazil had a repertoire of skits and mimicry items and were in great demand in and around Alapuzha. Those were happy, unemployed days! A man with not an atom of malice in him. Great actor. Adieu. 🙏
— N.S. Madhavan (@NSMlive) October 11, 2021
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