Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth took to their social media on March 28 to announce their engagement just days after their marriage rumours surfaced online. The couple shared a cute picture of themselves flaunting their engagement rings in the picture shared. Wishes for the couple have been pouring in from all directions, including fans and industry colleagues. Amid them, Jawan actress Nayanthara also extended her wishes to the newly engaged couple. The actress took to her Instagram story to share the couple's engagement announcement post and congratulated them on their new beginning. Nayanthara wrote, "Aww @worldofsiddharth @aditiraohydari Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness." Aditi Rao Hydari Confirms Getting Engaged to Siddharth; Couple Shares Cute Picture on Insta Flaunting Their Engagement Rings.

Check Out Nayanthara’s Insta Story Here:

Nayanthara's Insta Story (Photo Credits: Instagram)

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