Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot on December 4 in Hyderabad. Their intimate wedding was graced by several prominent South Indian celebrities. While official pictures have already taken the internet by storm, an unseen video from the ceremony has now surfaced, featuring SS Rajamouli, Nagarjuna and Karthi. The clip showcases Naga Chaitanya warmly greeting guests on stage and posing for pictures. The unseen video also offers a glimpse of SS Rajamouli, dressed casually in a navy blue t-shirt and beige pants, all smiles at the nuptials. Karthi and Nagarjuna, too, are seen congratulating the couple, with Karthi presenting a grand bouquet of flowers to the groom. Have a look! Sobhita Dhulipala Wipes Away Tears of Joy as Naga Chaitanya Ties the Mangalsutra in Their Wedding Ceremony (Watch Video).
Karthi & SS Rajamouli at Naga Chaitanya-Sobhita Dhulipala's Wedding
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