Actor Ravi Teja reunites with director Harish Shankar, unveiling their collaboration's title, Mr Bachchan, through a captivating first look poster. The Telugu film, celebrating Ravi Teja's admiration for Amitabh Bachchan, showcases the star imitating his idol. In the poster, Teja exudes Amitabh's '70s and '80s aura, sporting a long mustache and a distinctive haircut. Seated on a two-wheeler, donning shades, he channels Amitabh's iconic style. The background features an abstract caricature of Amitabh Bachchan and a bustling cinema hall. The impactful poster, adorned with the line 'Naam Tho Suna Hoga,' teases fans with the promise of an intriguing cinematic homage. Amitabh Bachchan Reveals Jaya Bachchan Is Stricter With Him, Says 'It Scares Me'.
See Ravi Teja's First Look From Mr Bachchan Here:
#MrBachchan Naam tho suna hoga 😉
Honoured to play the character with the name of my favourite @SrBachchan saab 🤗🙏@harish2you @peoplemediafcy @TSeries
— Ravi Teja (@RaviTeja_offl) December 17, 2023
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