Veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu has been hospitalised due to a health crisis, reportedly triggered by mounting tensions within his family. The 78-year-old actor was admitted to a private hospital in Hyderabad's Gachibowli area, complaining of "diffuse body pains, anxiety and a history of loss of consciousness," according to the hospital's health update. The situation escalated after a dispute with his son, Manchu Manoj, which culminated in an altercation on the night of December 10. Manchu Manoj tried to enter the family home in Jalpally but was stopped by security. Mohan Babu is also accused of attacking a TV9 journalist at the scene. Local police have filed charges against him and seized weapons from the residence as part of the ongoing investigation. Mohan Babu's Hyderabad Home Scene of Tension as Son Manchu Manoj Tries to Enter Amid Family Dispute (Watch Videos).
Mohan Babu Hospitalised
Veteran Actor Mohan Babu Hospitalized After “Multitasking” Feat: Family Drama, Media Assault, and a Health Scare
In what can only be described as a plot twist befitting his cinematic legacy, veteran actor Mohan Babu managed to pack a punch—quite literally—before landing himself…
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) December 11, 2024
Mohan Babu Health Update
#MohanBabu Health Bulletin:
Mohan Babu admitted in hospital with complaints of diffuse body pains, anxiety and a history of loss of consciousness..
Currently he is under observation..
— Telugu360 (@Telugu360) December 11, 2024
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