Teja Sajja became a household name after the release of his 2024 mythological superhero film, HanuMan. The Telugu movie directed by Prasanth Varma crossed INR 260 crore at the box office globally. Now, the young actor is gearing up for his next title, Mirai. While the makers have not provided frequent updates on the film, Teja Sajja surprised his fans with a Makar Sankranti gift by releasing a new poster on Wednesday, January 15. In the vibrant poster, Teja Sajja's character, Super Yodha, is seen holding a stick while floating in the air amidst the crumbling premises of a temple. Directed by Karthik Ghattamaneni, Mirai is scheduled for a theatrical release on April 18, 2025. ‘Mirai’: Makers Unveil Special Poster of ‘Super Yodha’ Teja Sajja on His Birthday; Karthik Ghattamneni’s Superhero Film To Arrive on April 18, 2025.
Check Out ‘Mirai’ New Poster Featuring Super Yodha
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