Tamil actor Vishal had alleged that CBFC had taken bribe of Rs 6.5 lakh for the censor certification of the Hindi version of his film Mark Antony. He shared a video post on the same on social media citing, “Bringing this to the notice of Hon Chief Minister of Maharashtra and my Hon PM Narendra Modiji.” The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has responded to Vishal’s allegations and promised an inquiry. MIB shared a tweet citing, “A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has been deputed to Mumbai to conduct an inquiry today itself.” Tamil Actor Vishal Claims CBFC Demanded Bribe for Censor Certification of Hindi Version of His Film Mark Antony.
MIB India’s Response
The issue of corruption in CBFC brought forth by actor @VishalKOfficial is extremely unfortunate.
The Government has zero tolerance for corruption and strictest action will be taken against anyone found involved. A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting…
— Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (@MIB_India) September 29, 2023
Vishal’s Allegations
#Corruption being shown on silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for… pic.twitter.com/3pc2RzKF6l
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) September 28, 2023
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