The Malayalam film Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, was released in the theatres on December 20, 2024. Despite the release of Vijay Sethupathi's Viduthalai Part 2 and Upendra's UI, the Haneef Adeni directorial has performed exceptionally well at the box office. Even in its Hindi version, the action film has been making waves, with positive word-of-mouth helping it flourish in the northern belt. As we enter the fourth week of Marco, the Unni Mukundan starrer continues to perform strongly. According to the latest updates, Marco has collected INR 10.6 crore from its Hindi version. The movie also features Kabir Duhan Singh, Sudev Nair, Siddique, and Abhimanyu Thilakan in key roles.  ‘Marco’ Movie Review: Unni Mukundan Brings Swag to a Gory, Disturbingly Violent Action-Thriller (LatestLY Exclusive).

‘Marco’ Box Office Update


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