Chidambaram's film Manjummel Boys, starring Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese and Ganapathi, was released in the theatres and is having a phenomenal run at the box office. The survival thriller film has not only done well in terms of numbers but also became one of the fastest Malayalam language movies to reach the historic Rs 50 crore mark. The film has now collected Rs 32 crore after completing eight days at the Indian box office. The survival thriller has collected Rs 55 crore from its worldwide run. The team recently met actor Kamal Haasan in Chennai, where the movie has been doing extremely well. Manjummel Boys Box Office Collection Day 7: Soubin Shahir and Sreenath Bhasi’s Film Reaches Rs 50 Crore Milestone Worldwide – Reports.

Watch Manjummel Boys Trailer Here:

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