Malayalam actor Dileep Sankar, known for his roles in both films and TV serials, was found dead in his hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday (December 29) morning. The actor, who checked into the hotel on December 19, had reportedly not left his room during his stay. Concerned by a foul odour coming from the room, the hotel staff went to check and discovered his lifeless body on the floor. Dileep was known for his roles in Chaappa Kurishu, Ammayariyathe and other Malayalam projects. The police have launched an investigation, with reports suggesting a possible suicide. MT Vasudevan Nair Dies at 91: President Droupadi Murmu Pays Tribute to the Iconic Malayalam Writer and Padma Bhushan Awardee (See Post).

Actor Dileep Sankar Found Dead

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