Mahesh Babu attended a family wedding with his wife Namrata Shirodkar and daughter Sitara interacted with fans and posed for photographs. During the event, videos surfaced online capturing Mahesh sharing delightful moments with his sister, Manjula Ghattamaneni, and Prabhas’ aunt, Shyamala Devi. In one such video, Mahesh is seen conversing cheerfully with Manjula, and in a playful sibling exchange, she teasingly pulls on his long hair, with the duo burst into laughter afterwards. These heartwarming glimpses of familial bonding have garnered attention and admiration on social media. Mahesh Babu Thanks SS Karthikeya for Bringing Premalu to the Telugu Audience, Reveals, ‘The Entire Family Loved It’ (See Tweet).

Mahesh Babu Shares Sweet Moments With Sister Manjula

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