Tamil actor Vishal recently appeared at the pre-release event for his highly anticipated Tamil comedy Madha Gaja Raja, sparking concern among fans due to his unwell state. Despite battling a high fever, the dedicated actor attended the event held in Chennai on Sunday (January 5). The film, which has faced over a decade of delays, is finally set to release on January 12, but Vishal’s health has taken the spotlight. During the event, Vishal arrived with the help of an assistant, immediately drawing attention to his condition. His shaky hands as he held the microphone and an emotional speech further heightened worries. Reports indicate he was visibly shivering, likely due to his fever, which left fans deeply concerned about his well-being. The film will hit theatres after 13 year delay.  ‘Madha Gaja Raja’ Release Date: Vishal and Santhanam’s Tamil Comedy Film To Arrive in Theatres on THIS Date After 13-Year Delay (View Poster).

Vishal At The Pre-Release Event Of Madha Gaja Raja

Hands Shaking

What Happened?

Get Well Soon


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