Actor Manu Nair aka Manoj Kumar shared a post on social media and revealed that Malayalam actor Kollam Shah was admitted to Thiruvananthapuram’s NIMS Medicity on June 24. The actor underwent open-heart surgery on June 27 and Manu Nair shares that it could happen successfully only because of megastar Mammootty. He shared a post on Facebook on the same and even share a video on his YouTube Channel. Manu revealed that Mammootty has a project named ‘Heart-to-Heart’ at NIMS Medicity where one can attain free surgery under the megastar’s approval. Well, Kollam Shah’s surgery not just happened at free of cost but he even received VIP treatment. Mammootty in Bilal: Director Amal Neerad Confirms Sequel to His 2007 Blockbuster Big B With Malayalam Superstar Returning As Lead (Watch Video).
Kollam Shah Surgery Update
Details About Mammootty’s Conversation With Manu Nair
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