Keerthy Suresh recently visited the sacred Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh to seek divine blessings. The actress, who is currently preparing for her Bollywood debut in Baby John opposite Varun Dhawan, was accompanied by her father G Suresh Kumar and actor Menaka. Keerthy revealed that she visited the temple to seek blessings for her upcoming film and her wedding, which is scheduled to take place in Goa next month. “My wedding will be in Goa next month (December), so I visited Tirumala to see the divine blessings," she told the media when probed about her marriage with longtime boyfriend Antony Thattil. Reportedly, the wedding is set to take place on December 11 and 12. Keerthy Suresh Confirms Dating Antony Thattil; ‘Baby John’ Actress Shares Pic With Beau Amid Wedding News.

Keerthy Suresh Is Getting Married Next Month

Keerthy Suresh at Tirumala

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