Veteran actor-comedian Brahmanandam has turned a year older today. On the occasion of his birthday, the makers of Keedaa Cola have shared his first look as Varadha Raju. Director Tharun Bhascker described about the ‘Meme God’s’ character in the film. He mentioned in his tweet, “VaradhaRaju is the mean old grandpa who you’ll have a love-hate relationship with. Stuck to his wheelchair with a disposable urine attachment, the man’s only superpower is sarcasm.” Brahmanandam Birthday: 5 Best Films Of Tollywood’s Comedy King That Are A Must Watch!
Brahmanandam In Keeda Cola
"Peru Varadha.. Posedhi Pithukantha"🤘🏻😎
Reintroducing our OG Meme God #Brahmanandam Garu as 'Varadha Raju' in #KeedaaCola 🤩#HBDBrahmanandam 🥳
A @TharunBhasckerD Film🍯🪳@VivekSudhanshuK @Mesaikrishna #SrinivasKaushik @sripadnandiraj @UpendraVg #AJAaron #VGSainma #QuickFox
— 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐫 (@UrsVamsiShekar) February 1, 2023
Tharun Bhascker’s Tweet
The OG meme god ?
Re-Introducing Mr.Brahmi ! Like never before.
— Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam (@TharunBhasckerD) February 1, 2023
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