South actress Karthika Nair, who reportedly got engaged to her ‘love’ last month, has finally revealed his face to the world. The actress known for her role in Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai has revealed the face of her fiance, Rohit Menon, in her latest Instagram post. The actress shared a series of mushy photos with him on her social media. She captioned the post, “Meeting you was destiny. Falling for you was just sheer magic✨️✨️✨️ The countdown for our forever begins. Fans are wondering if she has hinted about their wedding with this cryptic post. Check her post below! Karthika Nair Gets Engaged? 'Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai' Actress Flaunts a Shiny Ring As She Hugs a Mystery Man (View Pic).

Karthika Nair's Instagram Post


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A post shared by Karthika Nair (@karthika_nair9)

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