Kantara, written and directed by Rishab Shetty, was the fourth highest-grossing film in India in 2022. Now all eyes are on Kantara 2. As per a report by Pinkvilla, the prequel to the blockbuster Kannada film will go on floors in November this year. A source was quoted as saying, “Kantara 2 will prominently be shot in Mangalore. This location encompasses the required elements of jungle, land, and water as dictated by the script. The film has got bigger in budget and cast this time and will be filmed on a larger scale over a four-month schedule.” However, the makers are yet to make an official announcement on it. Kantara 2: Rishab Shetty Begins Writing for the Prequel to His Blockbuster Kannada Film (View Post).
Kantara 2 Update
EXCLUSIVE: The much-awaited prequel to last year’s blockbuster #Kantara to go on floors in November.
Read on for more details…https://t.co/FOJvrVgKMF
— Pinkvilla South (@PinkvillaSouth) August 21, 2023
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