Kalidas Jayaram has tied the knot with longtime girlfriend Tarini Kalingarayar on Sunday, December 8. The Tamil actor got married in the presence of close family members at the Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple in Thrissur, Kerala. Earlier, videos of the couple taking pheras surfaced online. Now, the Raayan actor has shared the first pictures of their special day with his wife on his Instagram handle. One of the photos captures a sweet moment between the newlyweds, where Kalidas Jayaram is seen kissing his wife's nose. Sharing the pictures, he wrote, "HITCHED". Check out the dreamy pictures of the couple below. 'Indian 2' Actor Kalidas Jayaram Ties the Knot With Tarini Kalingarayar at Kerala's Guruvayur Temple; Check Out First Glimpse of the Bride and Groom!.

Kalidas Jayaram Drops First Pictures From His Wedding With Tarini Kalingarayar


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