Tamil actor Jayam Ravi announced his divorce from his wife, Aarti Ravi, after 15 years of marriage on Monday, September 9. Now, his estranged wife has broken her silence on the recent announcement and issued a statement on social media. Aarti revealed that she was "deeply shocked" and "saddened" by the recent announcement regarding her marriage, which was made without her knowledge or consent. She wrote, "For some time I've sought several opportunities to speak directly with my husband hoping to have an open dialogue in a manner that honours the commitment we made to one another and our family." Aarti also claimed that the decision made was "purely one sided" She said that her only focus now is the well-being of her sons, Aarav and Ayaan. She concluded her statement by requesting privacy during this challenging phase. Jayam Ravi Announces Separation From Wife Aarti After 15 Years, ‘Siren’ Actor Issues Statement Confirming Split.
Jayam Ravi’s Wife Aarti Issues Statement on Their Divorce Announcement
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