Tamil actor Jayam Ravi shared a note on January 13, announcing that from this day forward, he will be addressed as Ravi Mohan instead of his old name. The actor also revealed plans to launch his own production house, Ravi Mohan Studios, which aims to uplift emerging talents and bring fresh content to the audience. In a further step, he stated that his fan account would be transformed into the Ravi Mohan Fans Foundation, an initiative dedicated to helping those in need and making a positive societal impact. He extended his warm wishes for Pongal and captioned his post, "The removal of the old and the introduction of the new." Jayam Ravi Announces Separation From Wife Aarti After 15 Years, ‘Siren’ Actor Issues Statement Confirming Split.
Jayam Ravi Rebrands Himself as Ravi Mohan
பழையன கழிதலும், புதியன புகுதலும் 🌞#HappyPongal 🌾#Ravi#RaviMohan#RaviMohanStudios#RaviMohanFansFoundation pic.twitter.com/K8JEWuMYW8
— Ravi Mohan (@iam_RaviMohan) January 13, 2025
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