Actor Jayam Ravi, a prominent figure in the Tamil film industry, recently shared a deeply personal update on social media. The Siren actor announced the end of his 15-year marriage to his wife Aarti. In a heartfelt post on X (formerly known as Twitter), Ravi posted two notes, revealing that he and Aarti had mutually decided to part ways. He urged fans not to speculate or spread rumours about their separation. The couple, who married in 2009, share two sons, Arav and Ayaan. FYI, Aarti is the daughter of renowned television producer Sujatha Vijayakumar. Jayam’s message was filled with a plea for privacy and respect during this challenging time in their lives. Siren: Jayam Ravi Opens Up About Thalapathy Vijay’s Unmatched Influence in Cinema, Says ‘He Is Irreplaceable’ (Watch Video).
Jayam Ravi Confirms Divorce With Aarti
Grateful for your love and understanding.
Jayam Ravi
— Jayam Ravi (@actor_jayamravi) September 9, 2024
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