Vicky Kaushal's dance moves on the viral track "Tauba Tauba" from his latest release, Bad Newz, are taking the internet by storm. A lot of fans, content creators and even celebs are trying to match his moves by sharing their versions on social media. And now Tamil actor Jaikanth Sampath, aka Jai, has entered the viral trend. Jai, who is quite active on social media, took on the "Tauba Tauba" challenge. Joining him was actress Vriddhi Vishal, with whom he is collaborating on an upcoming movie. The video shared on their Instagram handle, features both actors nailing the hook step with their swift moves. The challenge concludes with Jai showcasing his quirky signature dance moves, adding a fun touch to the tough dance challenge. The video has been re-shared on multiple social media platforms and has gone viral. Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Tauba Tauba’ Dance Craze Goes Viral; Grannies in Karnataka Old Age Home Show Off Their Cool Moves in Sarees (Watch Video).

Tamil Actors Jai and Vriddhi Vishal Take On Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Tauba Tauba’ Challenge


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