Allu Arjun, arrested on December 13 in connection with the tragic stampede at the Pushpa 2 premiere in Hyderabad, was named as accused no 11 in the case. His regular bail petition, which was heard on December 27, was postponed to December 30 after the police requested more time. A video of Pawan Kalyan has surfaced online, showing the actor-politician responding to questions from the press about an alleged attack in Kadapa. During the interaction, a journalist asked about his nephew’s recent arrest in connection with the Hyderabad stampede, which visibly irritated Pawan. He responded sharply, saying, “It’s not relevant. Here I am talking about people dying, and you’re asking about cinema. Have a bigger heart, please.” He also added, "Let’s talk about the atrocities happening in our state. Cinema is such a small thing.” ‘If Heroes Remember That They Are Ordinary Humans’: Allu Arjun Gets Slammed by Telugu Filmmaker Tammareddy Bharadwaja in ‘Pushpa 2’ Stampede Incident.
Pawan Kalyan Over Question on Allu Arjun’s Arrest
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