Malayalam actor Innocent who was know for his comedy and acts, has passed away at the age of 75. The veteran actor's health was critical for the past several days, and he was admitted to hospital and was kept under ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) support, which pumps and oxygenates a patient's blood outside the body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest. Netizens are paying tribute to the late actor. Innocent, Malayalam Actor and Ex-MP, Dies at 75.
Check Out The Posts Here:
50 Years of career, 500+ movies & 100s of stunning roles... The Malayalam film industry will miss you... RIP Legend...#Innocent
— AB George (@AbGeorge_) March 26, 2023
Another Post About Late Actor Innocent:
Miss u sir 😢💔#RIP#suriya #Innocent #suriya42 #legend
— Cinema lover (@Ajiljt1) March 26, 2023
Another Post
RIP #Innocent Sir💔🙏
— Suriya Trends Kerala (@TrendsSuriyaKL) March 26, 2023
Another Post
RIP to the most versatile actor in mollywood industry who made us laugh with his perfect comedic timing and his ability to blend with the characters seamlessly.#innocentactor #Innocent
— Adhvaith Jacob (@iamadhvaith) March 26, 2023
He Will Not Be Forgotten
You'll always live among us. RIP 🍃#Innocent End of an era 💔
— αɱαɾ 📽️🏏 (@amarclt) March 26, 2023
Everlasting Memory
Will miss you. Thank you for all the wonderful everlasting memories 💔#Innocent
— Mohith (@mohith0710) March 26, 2023
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