Indian 2 actor Kalidas Jayaram tied the knot with Tarini Kalingarayar in a traditional ceremony at the revered Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple in Kerala on December 8. The intimate wedding was attended by close family and friends. In the video which has gone viral, the couple look happy in each other's company in traditional attire. Kalidas donned a regal red mundu with a golden border, while Tarini looked radiant in a peach-coloured saree adorned with delicate embroidery. The newlyweds' parents, including veteran actors Jayaram and Parvathy, were present to bless the couple on their special day. Check it out. ‘Baahubali’ Actor Subbaraju Marries at 47, Shares Picture With Wife From His Intimate Wedding!

Kalidas Jayaram Gets Married to Tarini Kalingarayar


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