Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala were in Goa ahead of their wedding, The couple was spotted together at the opening ceremony of the 55th IFFI Goa International Film Festival, walking hand-in-hand. The couple walked the red carpet as they joined Nagarjuna, Amala Akkineni and Sushanth. The Akkineni family attended the film festival to celebrate ANR (Akkineni Nageswara Rao's centenary year, As per reports, the couple is all set to marry on December 4 in Hyderabad's Annapurna Studios. In one video, the cameraman said they would attend the wedding, “Next month aa rahe hai hum" (We are coming next month). Sobhita replied, “Aa jao yaar, the food is going to be good." Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s Wedding Invite Leaks Online Amid Astrologer’s Viral ‘Doomed’ Marriage Prediction (See Pic).
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala Attend IFFI 2024
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Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala Grace IFFI 2024 Red Carpet
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