The Hema Committee's revelations about sexual harassment in the Malayalam film industry have triggered a wave of accusations against various figures in the industry. The latest accusation has been levelled against Ennu Ninte Moideen's director RS Vimal. A woman, claiming to be his former household help, has accused Vimal of sexual advances. In her Facebook post, she described how she was hired to work at Vimal's Thiruvananthapuram home and was initially treated well. However, her situation took a disturbing turn when Vimal allegedly got engaged in lewd behaviour towards her. The woman has alleged that Vimal offered her money and promised a 'different' job. She also claimed that the director asked her to accompany him to Chennai. When she refused, he allegedly offered to help her 'adjust' so she could live her life 'smoothly.' Sreelekha Mitra Files Sexual Harassment Complaint Against Director Ranjith After His Resignation From Kerala State Chalachithra Academy.
RS Vimal Faces #MeToo Allegations By Former Maid
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