Amid recent rumours surrounding the film's casting, the makers of Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj's Coolie have surprised fans by finally sharing an update from the film. It was earlier announced that the character posters would be released starting today (August 28). The update kicked off by welcoming Malayalam actor Soubin Shahir onboard. Taking to their X (previously Twitter) handle, the makers unveiled a captivating monochromatic poster of the Majummel Boys actor and wrote, "#CoolieUpdates begin! Introducing #SoubinShahir as Dayal, from the world of #Coolie." In the picture, Soubin Shahir is seen shirtless, wearing a black thread across his neck. He could also be seen smoking a cigarette and gazing at a golden watch (similar to the one in Rajinikanth's poster). Coolie marks the Tamil debut of Soubin Shahir. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, Coolie is backed by Sun Pictures. Aamir Khan To Reunite With Rajinikanth After 30 Years? Bollywood Actor May Enter Lokesh Cinematic Universe With THIS Movie.
Soubin Shahir Introduced As Dayal in ‘Coolie’
#CoolieUpdates begin!
Introducing #SoubinShahir as Dayal, from the world of #Coolie @rajinikanth @Dir_Lokesh @anirudhofficial @anbariv
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) August 28, 2024
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