Captain Miller, an upcoming Tamil film directed by Arun Matheswaran and starring Dhanush in the lead role, is set to hit theatres on January 12. However, before its release, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has issued several cuts and modifications to the makers. The censor board has instructed the filmmakers to reduce violence, including scenes featuring ‘visuals of multiple stabbing’, ‘temple fight sequence’, ‘climax fight sequence’ and more. Additionally, the makers are required to mute certain abuses and remove corresponding subtitles, such as ‘naaigal’, ‘son of bitches’ and many other words. Following these edits, the runtime of Captain Miller will be 157.50 minutes, which is 2 hours, 37 minutes and 50 seconds. Captain Miller: Dhanush's Film Gets U/A Rating, Release Date Confirmed! Check Out New Starry Poster of Arun Matheswaran Directorial (View Pic).
Captain Miller Censor Update
#CaptainMiller - 2 Hrs 37 Mins
— Christopher Kanagaraj (@Chrissuccess) January 3, 2024
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