A video shared by Lokmatt reveals a disturbing incident at a Hyderabad theatre screening Pushpa 2: The Rule on the night of December 4, where a child lost consciousness during a stampede. The footage shows police officers swiftly performing CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) to save the child's life before he was reportedly rushed to the hospital. Tragically, a 35-year-old woman lost her life in a stampede-like situation at the Sandhya 70mm theatre in Hyderabad. The chaos occurred amid the overwhelming crowd attending the premiere of Allu Arjun's highly anticipated film. Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ Screening: Stampede at Hyderabad Theatre Leaves Woman Dead, Son in Critical Condition.
Police Perform CPR on Child at 'Pushpa 2' Screening Amid Stampede
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