Allu Arjun has come under intense criticism following the tragic stampede incident during the screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre, which led to the death of a woman, Revathi, and left her son, Sri Tej, critically injured. Telangana CM Revanth Reddy and AIMIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi recently condemned the actor's response as insensitive during the crisis. In reaction, Allu Arjun described the criticism as "character assassination." Amidst this controversy, the actor on December 22 posted a message urging his fans to avoid abusive language both online and offline while defending him. He also warned action against fake profiles and urged his followers to express their feelings responsibly. ‘Film Star Bole Ab to Picture Hit Hone Wali Hai’: AIMIM Leader Akbaruddin Owaisi Slams Allu Arjun for Insensitivity After ‘Pushpa 2’ Stampede Incident (Watch Video).

'Pushpa 2' Star Allu Arjun's Message for Fans 


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