Allu Arjun, released from jail this morning, received a warm welcome at his Jubilee Hills home in Hyderabad, with close friends and industry peers, including Vijay Deverakonda, director Sukumar and producer Dil Raju, showing their support. The Pushpa 2 actor, who was granted bail after spending a night in Chanchalguda Central Jail in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede incident, was seen interacting with his colleagues in videos from the gathering. Vijay and Dil Raju were also spotted chatting with Allu Aravind. ‘I Am Fine’: Allu Arjun Gives First Statement After Jail Release in Hyderabad Stampede Incident, ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor Expresses Gratitude to Supporters (Watch Video).

Vijay Deverakonda & Sukumar at Allu Arjun’s Residence

Vijay Deverakonda & Dil Raju with Allu Aravind


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