Telugu superstar Allu Arjun was arrested by the Hyderabad Police today (December 13) in connection with the stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre that resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman. The unfortunate incident took place during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 4. According to the latest updates, the Telangana High Court has granted interim bail to the Telugu superstar for a limited period in connection with the case. While granting the bail, the High Court also expressed concern over the treatment of the actor and said, " Just because he is an actor, can he be held like this? There are no ingredients in the case that warrant such actions." According to the latest updates, Allu Arjun will have to spend the night in jail as there is a delay in his interim bail in connection with the case. Meanwhile, hundreds of fans of the Icon Star have gathered outside the jail in Hyderabad to protest for his release. ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor Allu Arjun Sent to 14-Day Judicial Custody in Sandhya Theatre Stampede and Death Tragedy.
Allu Arjun Granted Interim Bail by Telangana HC in Stampede Case
Telangana High Court Grants Interim Bail to Allu Arjun for limited period , Defends Actor’s Right to Liberty
The Telangana High Court has granted interim bail to actor Allu Arjun for limited period, who was arrested in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede incident during…
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) December 13, 2024
Allu Arjun Fans Protest Outside Chanchalguda Jail
#WeStandWithAlluArjun Tension over Allu Arjun’s release!
Jail authorities: “Official bail orders not received yet.”
He may have to spend the night in jail. Fans protest in anger at Chanchalguda Jail.#AlluArjun #BreakingNews #ChanchalgudaJail #FansProtest
— keshaboina sridhar (@keshaboinasri) December 13, 2024
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