Allu Arjun made his way back to his Jubilee Hills residence in Hyderabad on Saturday morning, where he was warmly greeted by his family. His wife, Sneha Reddy, couldn’t hold back her emotions and embraced him tightly. The video also showcases traditional rituals being performed to celebrate his return. The actor had been arrested the previous day, December 13, in connection with the tragic stampede at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 4. A video of Allu Arjun’s arrest also showed his daughter, Allu Arha, looking out of the window. However, following an intervention from the Telangana High Court, Allu Arjun was granted bail on a personal bond of INR 50,000 later that night. Allu Arjun Released: ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor Walks Out of Chanchalguda Centrail Jail After Spending a Night in Custody in Hyderabad Stampede Case.

Allu Arjun Reaching Jubilee Hills Residence

Allu Arjun Reunites With Family

Allu Arjun’s Daughter Allu Arha

Welcoming ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor With Traditional Rituals


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