Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar, a passionate racing enthusiast, is currently in Dubai to participate in the prestigious Dubai 24 Hours race. In preparation for the competition, the actor undertook a six-hour endurance practice session, which unfortunately took a disastrous turn when his racing car crashed into the barriers. According to reports, Ajith miraculously escaped the accident without any injuries, although the same cannot be said for his Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car, as evident from the viral video of the crash. His manager, Suresh Chandra, issued a statement to the media regarding the actor's condition, assuring fans: "Ajith is unhurt, hale, and healthy. He was driving at a speed of 180 km/h when the incident occurred." ‘Good Bad Ugly’ Release Date: Ajith Kumar’s Film with Director Adhik Ravichandran to Hit Theatres on April 10!
Ajith's Racing Accident Captured
#AjithKumar survived the car accident without injury pic.twitter.com/tHBSMxXS6F
— Suresh PRO (@SureshPRO_) January 7, 2025
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